
We supply metallurgical raw materials for the foundries and steel mills "just in time" according to the specific requirements of our customers.

Pig Iron
Pig iron is intended for further processing in a liquid state into steel or cast iron.

Metal scrap and Non-ferrous metals
Metal waste refers to products or equipment that no longer serve their original purpose and are modified and processed for further use.

Ferroalloys are alloys composed of less than 50% iron and one or more elements, used mainly for steelmaking.

Modifiers cause the graphite to change shape.

Purifiers are used to crystallize ductile iron.

Carburizers are used during production to carburize cast iron and steel.

Castings and forgings
We represent the group production of castings in grey and ductile iron, steel and aluminium, as well as the production of forgings in alloy or carbon steel.